Karine said:
>It is not a menstrual problem because I am nursing right now and have >not
>had my cycle return yet.

One thing which can help relieve the stress on your low back muscles is to
use a nursing pillow to raise the baby higher, so you don't have to hunch
over to reach the baby. (from one nursing mom to another...) I still use a
pillow often with Madi, who is 16 months old and still kind of hard to
reach. And, of course, nursing moms need lots of water, like we mentioned
Perhaps your calcium suspicion would be worth your attention, you might want
to look into a supplement. Again, nursing moms need lots of calcium.
If this were me, I would definitely look for a good chiropractor as well.
Look for someone whose approach is health-oriented rather than
money-oriented. If you did have a subluxation, the related muscles would
hurt or ache.
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