Hello Everyone!

I just received this month's National Geographic, and there is a very moving
segment on the remaining 85,000 Bushmen of Southern Africa.  Due to
pastoralization by the Afrikaans, most must work on game farms as guides, or
in the tourist industry. They are relied upon by the game industry because
of their superior tracking ability. They are able to look at a blade of
grass and determine how long ago an animal passed through.  Those that
migrated to cities have faced the typical downhill spiral of drugs, alcohol
and disease. The article says that their typical diet is now 70% gathered
and the remaining comprised of wild game.  One wonders what it was prior to
barbed wire fences and forced settlement camps.  There are some great
photos.   I am always reminded how beautiful human beings are in our natural
state.  Unfortunately, many of the Bushman interviewed are suffering from
malnutrition, diptheria and great privation.


Judy Genova

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