On Mon, 5 Feb 2001 14:37:47 +0000, tom roberts <[log in to unmask]>

>The article that you suggested we look at,
>ends up by establishing dietary guidlines that seem to by almost
>impossible to implement.
>What foods would I have to eat to stay within these guidelines?
>Remember, I have to eat enough vegetable protein to make up 50% of my
>diet while keeping my total carb intake to 20% of my calories.

Tom, I agree that the dietary guidelines the Flanagans list can not be met
together. Not with vegetables and not at all.
More than 35% of calories from protein is physiologically impossible.
So, the guidelines  can only  be followed alternatinvely (these were to calm
down over-nervous types). E.G.carb reduction could bring down serotinin
levels. I was astonished to hear that serotonin counts with the excitatory
brain transmitters. Most people have a serotonin deficit, I believe.

Isn't it interesting how far deficits on certain minerals and vitamins
influence mood? A paleo nutrition ought to provide high levels of these.

And we can learn that vitamin B6 magnesium play a key role in mood.
Best B6 sources are (per weight)
  wheat germ
  (noble, river) cancer
  sweet pepper
  calv innards

Bananas beeing also very good for magnesium.

regards, Amadeus