On Mon, 26 Feb 2001 13:00:58 -0800, Wally Day <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Now, I am not even close to be a "quantum mechanic",
>but I do know in *their* world the assumption is made
>that even "looking" at the results of an experiment
>can affect the experiment (kind of a tree falling in
>the woods makeing noise/no noise approach).

Not a correct interpretation. See below.

>By the way, I could not get the link
>to work. I notice it's labeled as a PDF file. I have
>the Acrobat Reader plug-in, so I think it should work.
>Does it come up in Acrobat for anyone else?

Alternatively go to his new page (he's moved to Univ. Colorado)


and look down to

"Timeless Reality: The View from Nowhen. PDF. Article to
appear in  Skeptic Magazine."

or other links there.

Philip Thrift