On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 13:08:24 -0800, Wally Day <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Philip, do you ever eat 9 *servings* of meat in a
>day's time? I know I couldn't eat that much meat. I
>might top out at 5, perhaps 6 in extreme cases, but
>9?I'm sure I don't eat more than 4 (fist sized)
>servings on a regular basis. If I tried to eat that
>much meat, I think I'd get sick of it *real* quick :)

Let's say a serving of meat is 8oz.

(The "official" serving size of meat defined by the USDA
is 2-3 oz. - snicker!)

I eat 3.5-4.5 lbs of meat a day - so that's 7-9 8oz. servings.

Or I eat 18-24 USDA servings of meat a day!

Philip Thrift