Miss Thing,

I do not know who the hell you are and what your problem is, but I can see clearly see that you  have a major one.  I do not think or claim that I'm better than anyone just by using a figure of speech "it's for the dogs".   I'm not going to engage myself in a fruitless and idle exchange with you as I absolutely refuse to stoop that low.  In reference to you talking about my family, YOU ARE SOOOO LAME... I will not EVEN GO THERE with you!!!! ............

So will the real PIT BULL Please STAND UP????


P.S.  consider this topic closed.




>Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>In-Reply-To: <[log in to unmask]>
>hi astrid,
>what do you mean 'the kanifing coke if for the dogs'.
>do you think you are better than those that drink it
>just because you drink soda made in US? well those
>cheap and silly soda you are so fond of are not any
>better than the coke we drink here. and if you really
>think its for the dogs why dont you ask those that
>make it to send the whole lot to your family in
>Kairaba avenue because you all look like BULL DOGS.
>--- astrid christensen-tasong <[log in to unmask]>




I know what you mean....I am one of those very

>chronic CRAZy people that substitute soda for
>water despite all the warnings.  After receiving
>the water vs coke email from a friend, I still haven't
>even considered turning a new leaf and drinking more
>water.  If anyone knows of an CA (Coke Anonymous)
>group I can join, please let me know....Ha! Ha!
>:-)>src="" width=12>


You are so right Yus, the Kanifing Coke is for the

>dogs...have you ever looked at the bottles they
>use??...It really gives recycling a bad name!






.STJOHNS.EDU Wed Feb 07 10:52:53 2001

>X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 87
><[log in to unmask]>
>Sender: The Gambia and related-issues
>mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>There is no doubt that water is the
>cure for many ills. In fact, out here in
>the Arizona desert, it is recommended
>that one has to drink at least five
>glasses of water a day. Otherwise, one
>risks the possibiliy of chronic
>fatigue, headaches and even death due
>to dehydration. This is especially
>true in the summer when temperatures
>can rise to a 110 degress and above.
>It is however interesting to note that,
>depsite all the warnings, many people
>here are chronic soda drinkers and even
>go to the extent of substituting soda
>for water. Yet, they somehow manage to
>function properly.
>As for the claims about the less
>desirable properties of coke, I believe
>most of them. The Coca-Cola that was
>made in Kanifing was particularly bad.
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