Hello G-Lers,

Let this man be free to say what ever he wants. The Gambia belongs to all Gambian. No fool can make us change our direction.We all must redouble our efforts to see Maron Jammeh out of the Gambia.He should and must go by all means possible. Must of these so-called Maron Jammeh's defenders are only defending their pockets not Jammeh. This is the Gambia, we all know each other. If you can say something about me, some one also can let you now you even come to this earth. These foolish letters cannot change our direction.

Ebriama, have your source informed you about FANG-NAFA SAHO. It is romour that Maron Jammeh and his gang of criminals have promosed to sponsor him with D300,000 and a new pajero to contest the by-election in central badibu under APRC ticket. He cares lot for his pocket.

They want to use the illigal money they stole from the Gambians and African people to secure power. G-lers is time to redouble your efforts to see Maron Jammeh out of the Gambia.The Gambia needs your service urgently. Ebriama, we are still waiting your postings.

Paco Ahmed of the Gambia's Red Army.  

>From: Alieu S Keita <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: sariang's sieze fire is respected
>Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 11:01:49 -0500
>It was good to hear those sermons from Katim DDH PHD,as was funnily
>given by
>Obrien the psychiatrist.Ebrima's title can therefore, be
>EBAL.Expert in ("blind-folded" admiration and lying).
>Obrien,you are one of those that Balzac called "ceux qui sont
>mouillés dans
>des illusions perdus"-"those soaked in lost illusions".Can you
>imagine what
>lost illusions would be? Some of you said that you aren't
>people who watch "kungfu" movies yes sure,because caesar said:"he
>who enjoys
>no music,etc is...." is ofcourse what you guys are.
>Seriousness and productivity do not depend on finishing one's
>energy only
>to obtain a false degree through transactions from a network in the
>states.Dr.MSK MANNEH was one of those degree holders in the jawara
>but today we've seen him drive a taxi in NewYork!
>So you call Katim a serious citizen,i know Katim very well so i am
>"blind-folded" in admiration,some degrees are minting machines of
>decrees pumped into our societies for "blind-folded" admirers like
>sources said..."
>I wish Katim could start a topic with me on line,instead of the
>"Jammeh-as-the-prey" style.
>The only way we can establish credibility on line is to avoid the
>"my sources said that..." or the tip-and-run-game between the GL and
>out.So many of you here use pen names and say all sorts of dirty
>things on
>other peolpe on the voice out and then come back to the GL
>crying aloud as "nice","refined" cyber-diplomats!
>Please avoid disturbing Essa sey i wonder if that man is interested
>visiting your site after all your "gittery" reactions months back!
>Ebrima Ceesay,Do you have a personal problem with Essa? Whether that
>speaks or not you always "scratch" him. why?
>Infact this morning i had to call one Mr.Njie a newly appointed
>officer in Girona, to find out the Gambia embassy's no in France
>i then called to speak to Essa himself.Actually with all the noise
>you guys
>were making, this guy was in Lisbon Portugal attending a WIPO(world
>intellectual property organisation)meeting,following an invitation
>received from the Geneva-based UN office.How on earth could Essa
>have been
>in Lisbon and Paris at the same time. My conclusion was,Essa is a
>threat to
>you people!
>My interview with Essa.
>ALK:Are you aware of the current debate on the GL.
>ESSA:Ha!ha! my good old folks.'gis-n'ga boy' the GL could have been
>a good
>tool to promote discussions between gambians both home and abroad
>but its
>unfortunate that even if some of us want to discuss in a matured way
>we are
>drawn into infantile activities by others.However, thats what makes
>interesting...some are blue and others are red...
>yeah...'waaye garaawut dal'"
>ALK:Do you know Ebrima Ceesay?
>ESSA:Who? Ebrima observer? yes,he is a famous reporter in the
>ALK: Have you ever had a personal problem with him?
>ESSA:'kan môm...hmmm...no ah boy faatel saitaané baahut'
>ALK:Do you know that you're the one that Ebrima is pointing fingers
>relating to articles that i have been posting on the L these days?
>ESSA:Ha! oh yeah.No Ebrima can't say that!me!?i have just arrived
>Lisbon Portugal to attend the WIPO meeting,following an invitation
>the UN,it can't be me because i can't be two people at the same
>Anyway i am yet to know why on earth Ebrima...'Ah jaruko sah'.
>ALK.Dr Katim Touray of the GL said he traced the IP to France and
>its no one
>else but you Essa and not me ALK,whats your answer to that?
>ESSA: Well you see the best way is to ignore those guys because i
>whypeople like Ebrima,Katim and others should think that i can be
>scared of
>them to the extent of using a pen name!I will meet Ebrima one day
>Positions change people to become tolerant and responsible so those
>days are
>gone for Ebrima to know my real colours Mr Keita. 'Wallahil azeem'.
>ALK:Ebrima said that your day will come sooner than later!
>ESSA:You see Mr.Keita i have nothing to do with Ebrima's family as
>because in the gambia,all of us are related but let Ebrima be rest
>that it is not safe to make enemies.Ebrima will meet his fate as far
>as i am
>concerned,if he intends to involve me in such unfounded jealousy and
>hatred...Why should this guy hate me? Why? 'cha dega dega nititey
>nyô doi
>ALK:Thanks my good friend because from the start you told me to
>apply the
>word friend rather HE The Ambassador.
>ESSA:As far as i know i will never stay Ambassador forever,so
>whether the
>title is used or not Essa is my name.But please tell me who you are
>and where you are calling from.I am not convince that your real name
>Alieu ha!
>ALK:Ha! i am Alieu Keita and i am calling you from Tenerife island
>tomorrow i will return to Serekunda,i can't tell you more because
>who knows
>if you will disclose my name to your 'goro'ha!ha!
>ESSA:This 'goro'may one day take away the sister because he hates me
>ESSA:Bye Mr.Alieu Keita and safe journey to SK!
>ALK:Alright ESS.
>Folks, its interesting!so that is Essa wondering and there is Ebrima
>accusing and imagining...
>Continue calling me Essa Sey because my 'shell' is hard to break!
>Sariang:I will take heed of your advise but please tell Ceesay
>or "join-the-list" to stop his fabrications!otherwise we will be
>ourselves.This is no threat but a suggestion calling for total
>maturity and
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