Rayna-  ok... what are we bottling now???  :-)


On Sun, 25 February 2001, Rayna Lamb wrote:

> Jennifer,
> Couragous of you to get off the meds, it takes far more guts than
> anything else.  I have a friend who is trying to get off her
> antidepressent, she is finding difficult, but is getting there and I
> know you will too.  I don't know about you, but I have always thought
> that I would rather have much more severe CP and no depression than
> the moderate degree of CP at the moment, and the depression that I
> have to live through.  These things are, apparently, supposed to build
> character.  I think we all have quite enough character - maybe we
> should bottle it and sell on the Internet!!!!
> Lots of hugs to you and Paige and Mag and anyone else who is
> struggling with depression at the moment.  We will survive!!!
> Rayna
> On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 12:01:20AM -0500, Jennifer Lahiff wrote:
>     Rayna,
>     thank you so much for thinking of me..it means much...i've battled depression
>     for a while now, and was taking prozac and buspar to "manage it" ..recently,
>     my husband and i decided to start trying to have children...so, i got off the
>     meds...it's hard and it affects me more than the CP does..but like the CP,
>     i'm handling it carefully..
>     I hope youre feeling well and happy too... again~thanks for thinking of me!
>     Jennifer

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