<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I have been bombarded with emails from people who missed the CNN
interview with Rich Gannon last Friday.  I apologize, but Live TV
doesn't run perfectly according to schedule.  The interview was
scheduled for 7:30am Pacific Time, which is 10:30 am Eastern.  I was
at the studio with the Gannons, and wasn't looking at my watch, but
believe the interview aired a few minutes early.

In any event, you can see the transcript at the following URL:


At the bottom of the webpage it says:

To order a video of this transcript, please call 800-cnn-news or use OUR

I think that Rich did an excellent job spreading our message,
particularly since Danielle (his 3 year old daughter who has Celiac)
was not a 100% willing participant that morning.  We were sitting in
the green room before the interview, and Danielle was cheerfully
playing with her Blues Clues cards, and playing with a slinky.  She
was smiling and joking with her dad.  About 2 minutes before we went
into the studio, Rich and Danielle put on their T-Shirts
"Gluten-Free....Got a problem with that?" which were donated by the
Silly Yak T-Shirt Company.

But once we entered the studio, it became readily apparent that
Danielle would rather still be in bed, as she started yawning, and
refused to wear the ear-piece the studio put in her ear.  We didn't
know if Danielle would be able to sit still for the interview, and
we considered bribing her with a gluten-free cookie.

Rich asked her to sit still for 2 minutes, and promised that
Danielle could go home and see her older sister right after a
"quick" interview.  He told Danielle that she was about to be on TV,
which is just about the time she really started fidgeting.

Once the interview finally began, Rich was extremely composed, and he
hit all of the message points we had discussed.  He had to keep one arm
around Danielle to keep her from running away, but nevertheless kept his
cool.  Big thanks to Friends of Celiac Disease Research for helping
coordinate the interview (www.friendsofceliac.com) and to the University
of Maryland Center for Celiac Research for helping develop the message
points (www.celiaccenter.org).

Right after the interview aired, we got lucky, and CNN SI agreed to
do a follow-up interview right after the CNN LIVE interview.  It's
really too bad they didn't air the CNN SI interview, however, as it
was actually better than the one that aired on CNN LIVE.  I'm not
sure how to get a copy of the CNN Si interview.

In the future, the Gannons will continue spreading the word about
Celiac Disease.


Bryan Van Noy
Gluten Solutions
