<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi there Everyone

Firstly, I just like to thank everyone of you who took the time to write to
me.  I just can't thank you all enough, I have read all of the 40 odd posts
and followed all the links, printed off loads and loads of information
too.  I feel much better, not so overwhelmed about it all and not so silly
either.  Thanks to everyone who wished me well for my baby as well, I
really appreciated the kind thoughtfulness from you all.

There were a lot who felt that my quick 15-20 minute reaction to gluten
definitely signified a gluten intolerance/wheat allergy as opposed to CD.
But also a lot pointed out they are related and that my improvement on a GF
diet after years of anaemia, mouth ulcers, constipation indicated CD.

Most felt that I should see a Dr. but the tests for CD would be negative
because I had been GF for 3 months.  Most people were concerned for the
baby, as I am 28 weeks pregnant and that I should tell my Dr.  I am not
actually under a Dr. supervision for this pregnancy, I am under a private
midwife who is aware of my gluten intolerance.  She is not unduly worried
at all and says although I am not putting on weight the baby is a good
size.  I have never had problems with my other 6 babies, all have been big
babies, full term and overdue!

A lot of people advised me to stick to fresh simple food until after the
baby is born then to experiment with new foods.  This is the advice I will
take, I will stick to what I know without a doubt is GF and then after the
baby is born.  A lot of people also said that I should breastfeed my baby.
This I always do for 12-22 months, so my babies do get the best start in
life.  So many people sent me links that I could never name them all here
but I will keep all the posts so that if anyone would like the posts sent
to them or just the links, I will gladly do so.

It is interesting that some people definitely feel that a "medical"
diagnosis is essential, biopsy, blood etc.  On the other hand some feel
that if you improve dramatically on a GF diet like I did, then that is
evidence enough and to go through all the tests and a gluten challenge,
which would never be possible for me because I react so strongly to gluten,
is unnecessary.  That going through these tests would be just for peace of
mind and encouragement to stay on the GF diet for life.  Personally, I will
stay on the GF diet because of the evidence I have discovered for myself, I
can not tolerate gluten.  I will not cheat because I can not cheat with 6,
nearly 7 children to homeschool and care for, it would be irresponsible.
But I can see where people who do not react so violently or quickly to
gluten need the medical evidence to keep them on the straight and narrow. I
now know that I must see this as a new adventure in food and drink and
think of myself as being in a new country.  I am so glad that I have found
this group, thanks very much.

I hope this is ok, I have not done this before.
Thanks again everyone, I will reply privately when I have more time.