<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I posted earlier this week about an interview on CNN Morning News
featuring Rich Gannon, the National Spokesperson for Celiac Disease.

Due to scheduling conflicts with CNN, the interview will now be an
hour earlier, at 7:30 AM Pacific Time this Friday, January 26th.
Originally, the interview was scheduled for 8:30am Pacific.  It is a
satellite interview out of the San Francisco studio, and will be
broadcast LIVE.

Rich Gannon is the Pro Bowl quarterback for the Oakland Raiders,
whose 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with Celiac Disease about 2
years ago. Rich and Shelley Gannon have been most gracious in
agreeing to schedule their daughter for this nationally televised
interview about Celiac Disease.  The family leaves Monday morning
for the Pro Bowl in Hawaii, and this interview is a huge time
commitment for them.  I think they deserve the deepest gratitude
from the Celiac community for helping to promote Celiac awareness.


Bryan Van Noy
Gluten Solutions