<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, Have received a lot of responses, and almost all of you is extremely
interested in this subject.

But apart than knowing that Grand Marnier, Calvados, Creme de Menthe are

Except:  ".  I wrote a gluten-free dessert cookbook and a few of the
recipes called for creme de menthe.  I submitted the book to the CSA/USA
and the National Center for Digestive Diseases for approval of all
ingredients.  Both organizations approved the ingredients, including the
creme de menthe.  Hope this helps.  Connie".

"Hiram Walker's Kirschwasser Is GF. I spoke to the chemist - there is only
one ingredient - cherries.--Joe"

"I would question ones like Irish cream, Kahlua but not galiano, sherry or
creme de menthe and ones like this..
To research this I guess it would have to be important to the person.
Personally I drink very little, maybe someone will take the time out of
their busy schedules.

, and Irish Cream is not, it is a blackout for all the rest of liqueurs.
Although there are strong possibilities for them to be GF, we are not sure.

 Here is an except of a response I received:

 "as long as the grain mash is not put back in after
distillation, it would be great to know which brands are safe for us.
Include me in your list of people who would be interested in finding out
this type of info."

One stated that she asked a few liqueur companies, to no avail:
"I have tried to find out the status of some of the liqueurs you listed.  I
found that some of them are very proprietary, like Kahlua, and that it
was impossible to find out what was in them.  Add the complication of
production in another country . . . .

I would welcome any info on safe liqueurs,

Copley, Ohio  USA"

Excerpt:  " I would question ones like Irish cream, Kahlua but not
galiano, sherry or creme de menthe and ones like this..

To research this I guess it would have to be important to the person.
Personally I drink very little, maybe someone will take the time out of
their busy schedules.


So, it is what I learned.  Thank you to all who took the time to respond and
encourage me (for searching and not to bother about the nasty comment)
Mireille, Waterloo, Que.