<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Today i'm suffering from eating some potato chips.. I was ignorant and
didin't read the ingredients well, failed to notice "MALTODEXTRIN" and now I
may as well replace my computer's chair with the toilet!  No headache though
i'm quite pleased about that...

The Celiac live chat room has a few bugs in regards to netscape but seems to
work well with internet explorer, several people have dropped by to chat
with us a few here a few there etc...  Even if you don't have ICQ you can
still visit the chat room at http://romrider.dhs.org/celiac

It requires a small plugin from a place called HEARME but don't worry it's
small and installs just about automatically.  I really hope this will be a
place where we can get together and share are triumphs and woes with the
disease.  Get information from each other etc, there are so many things this
list does but so much it can't do as well.  Plus if you have celiac related
products that you would like to promote the chat room might be the perfect
place for that since people could ask you questions about it right there on
the spot.

Oh and if there are any programmers in here feel free to offer a more
compatible java chat or something but it has to be really small and lite no
excess downloads for people.