<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Does anyone know of a gf, non-drowsy cold medicine?  I have been sick for
the past 2 days and took Comtrex, Multi-Symptom, Maximum Strength,
Non-Drowsy Cold and Cough Relief.  It must not be gf.  I thought that I saw
it on a list of gf over the counter cold medicines.  I must be mistaken.  I
have to return to work tomorrow because it is a small co. and nobody else
wil be in until next Monday and I have two people I am meeting with for jobs
at my co..  I need to be able to function.  Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated.  I called the 1-800 # on the Comtrex box but it was after hours
when I tried and today being New Years Day, they are closed until tomorrow.
I will find out if it gf or not and will report back to let all of you know.
The only other "new" item I had (within the past two days) is Raspberry
flavored Gingerale - Schwepps?  It could be that too.  Anyway, if anyone
could help me out here I'd appreciate it.  Thank you, Tara