<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you for all of you that answered my post it was very informative. I
found that even though a child does not have the symptoms of diarrea or
weight loss there are many other signs and even cases where there were no
symptoms at all, and yet children had celiac. Some of you posted that the
blood test is not very accurate on children under 7 years of age. Since I
posted we have recently finally received our insurance. Kayla is to go in
on Wed. for an EEG to check for seizures which we think she has. Her rash
on her stomach has also changed. At first it was centered only in a small
circular area about the size of a penny above her belly button. The first
doctor we took her to said it was eczema. The next day we took her to her
regular doctor and she said it was shingles. Kayla had chicken pox at about
a month old. This was about a month ago. WE gave her the medicine for it
but it did not clear it up. Shortly after we took her to the doctor she
started getting singular red spots that were in a group but scattered on
the right side of her stomach. Then she got a few on her back on the left
side and later on her face mostly on the left side under her eye and a
couple on the right side of the face. The ones on her stomach are gone
except the large one which seems to be gradually fading. The ones one her
back are also gone. The ones on her face go  but new ones keep croping up
and sometimes on her stomach. I asked about the ones on her face and the
doctor said they were clogged pores but they look just like the others. Has
anyone had shingles before and does this sound like what they had or is
there any other kinds of skin conditions associated with celiac that
resemble this kind of rash. We also wondered if it might an allergy to
something she is eating. I know I have very sensitive skin. I get a rash if
I handle many types of materials, the backing of carpet, and seem to have
problems with shampoos with wheat or Vit. E.  Is this part of the celiac,
DH, or an allergy to wheat. Does anyone know how reliable the blood tests
are for children over 7 and how accurate they are for children under 7?
Thanks for the info.

Diana at [log in to unmask]