On Fri, 26 Jan 2001 17:42:17 -0500 judy genova <[log in to unmask]>
 Does anyone know if these  critters are
> safe for humans to eat?  Has anyone tried them?   Are they
> essentially the same as maggots?

Ardeith writes:
Mealworms are the larval form of a beetle of the genus
Tenebrio......eat grain products......I used to run a pet
shop and raised them in cornmeal.....they just spent
their days eating their way through the pan.....will
morph into little beetles if not fed to birds or lizards
or such beforehand.......but the beetle stage is necessary
to get  more little mealworms................should
be as safe to eat as any other critter that eats corn
and grains.....such as deer, squirrels, birds, cows,
and pigs..........have no idea what they would taste
like..........but I have a "recipe"  for earthworms
that says to put them in a pan of dampened cornmeal
for several days before you plan to cook them.....
they fill up with cornmeal and, if fried, are crunchy.....
.......but I've never had the fortitude to try it......

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