On Sun, 21 Jan 2001 14:04:33 EST Joelle Garnick <[log in to unmask]> writes:
> Also, can you substitue oil for butter in stuff like cookie recipies

If a cookie recipe calls for butter, you can usually substitute a safe
(dairy free) stick margerine or solid shortening in equal amounts.
Either will probably change the texture and perhaps the flavor of the
final product.  Avoid "light" type margarines as they are too high in
water content.  Substituting oil for butter would require other
modifications to the recipe as you have now changed the overall liquid to
dry ratio.

> finally does chocolate have milk in it?

Some do, some don't.  Milk chocolate has milk in it and I've never seen
white chocolate w/o milk, but you can find others that don't.  Most cocoa
powders don't have milk.  You can find Parve baking chocolate in sweet,
semi-sweet, and unsweetened.  Many don't actually have dairy ingredients,
but are run on lines that produce dairy chocolate, so may have cross
contamination risk and so are listed as Dairy.  Many chocolates also have
nut contamination problems is that is of concern.


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