>Hi David...
>I think my clients "vision" of "dumb terminal" is indeed, the "old"
>definition you referred to. They run a photography business, not
>computerized as of yet, although they have one at home that they keep their
>financial records on. In talking with them, I feel they are wishing to get
>into the "vision" they have seen depicted in movies or at other
>"old-school" depictions of the computerized work place... one "mainframe"
>unit with several screens and keyboards scattered about the workplace to
>enter information into the main unit. I believe they are using this
>outdated vision to go with. I will be meeting with them early this week,
>and will explain to them that getting 2-3 inexpensive complete systems and
>network them together with say, Access or even Outlook, would be more cost
>effective than what they are thinking.

  As a slightly off-topic comment, my father owns a photography studio and
I wrote a "studio managment" system for him about 10 years ago.  It supports
1 "dumb" terminal and a master terminal.  The satilite terminal is an
real IBM PC - no hard drive - Just a 5 1/4 inch floppy running DOS 5.0 and
Kermit.  The Main system is also running DOS 5.0.  The original main system
was a PC AT - Now it's a PC AT case running a 386 motherboard ... That old
hardware never dies :-)


Joel Rosenblatt - [log in to unmask] (Columbia University)
Mgr VM Systems and Team OS/2 member - http://www.cc.columbia.edu/~joel
612 W 115th St.,N.Y. N.Y. 10025,711 WATSON,(212) 854-3033

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