Elliott Ryder said...

>From a recent message in this list it appeared that one could install a HD
>larger  than the mobo would normally  accommodate if it were partitioned
>into smaller partitions (smaller than the maximum that the mobo would
>normally accommodate).

Yes you can partition within reason 2 Gb partitions to get around this limitation. The limitation is Bios related. If you visit the web site of the manufacturer of your HDD you should be able to locate software from them that will manage your disk and fool bios a little. The disk managment utilities available these days allow you to set up  this software so that once POST has done its thing the disk is given full access capacity by preloading the disk manager before Windows loads. Some manager's still are limited in the maximum size of disk they can handle, but it does mean that you don't have to limit yourself to 2 Gb partitions and if you're lucky you can the whole disk accessible as one partition.

I tend to use Seagate disks and they use a version of Ontrack, but I'm told there are better products around. For the most part The Seagate disk wizard works well and will support other manufacturers disks using generic settings.

You can download a copy here...


Regards Roger.

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