>My name is Vicki Palmer...

Welcome, Willkommen and Heidle-ee ho, Neighbor-eeno! (Forgive me; I watch
too many Simpson's reruns.)

>concerned about my husband because he has a different blood type for which
>the prescribed diet is to avoid red meat and eat tofu, fish, some poultry,
>beans, some grains and lots of fruits/veggies.

If he's type A, have him run screaming from this diet.  I'm type A,
allegedly the only blood type able to tolerate sugar; nothing could be
further from the truth!  I've lost about 50 pounds by 'eating like a
caveman'; my success probably pales in comparison to other success stories
you'll soon hear.

Meanwhile, here's a great place to go for you or anyone else on the list who
has yet to visit this web site.  Go to www.westonaprice.org where you'll
find wonderful, fact-filled articles on things wrong with the standard
American diet and all that vegetarian baloney (no pun intended).  Soy is NOT
good for you, despite what the gubment tells you.  Another good thing to do
is to go to google.com and type in "Loren Cordain".  You'll find a wealth of
good articles and studies, a list literally too long to post here.

Welcome again and here's to a happy, healthy life!

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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