I have summer on the brain this week.

1 tsp. dried lavender
2 tbs. honey (Ben adds a packet of Stevia to his glass.)
1 and 1/4 cups water for boiling
plus 1 and 1/4 cups cold water
juice of 2 lemons

Bring water to boil, add lavender flowers (you can also add strawberries if
you want pink lemonade). Cover and steep until it reaches a "warm"
temperature (not "hot"). Add honey, stir to dissolve. Cool thoruoghly.
Combine with cold water and lemon juice, taste to adjust flavor ( I tend to
like my lemonade very lemon-y ). Serve over ice, mini umbrella optional ;)

You can make herbal lemonade with nettles, raspberry leaves, or other herbs.
This is a good way to get herbs into kids. Catnip is a good herb for fevers,
which would make catnip lemonade great for when you have a cold (but hold
the ice).


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