Dear Doc,

>The temp on awakening in the morning, before leaving bed, should be around
>98.6F...If it is one or more degrees less than this [average over at least
>a week] [meaning 97.6 or less]you are certainly hypothyroid, regardless of
>the other lab tests normal values. I have heard this repeatedly from Dr.
>Atkins, and others.

I've taken my temerature over the last four days; it was 97F for three days,
97.1F another, but I've seen it lower in the past.  I can't remember the
exact figure, but it was certainly less than 97 degrees.  Several times,
I've seen it below 95F!  Surfing the web I also found I did or still do
'suffer' several other common symptoms, including depression, fatigue,
psoriasis, general dry skin, irregular menstrual cycles and ovarian cysts.
I also have a slightly elevated prolactin level.

The question is simple; what do you do about it?  And might this help me get
past the wall I've hit and lose more weight?  Most web sites are trying to
sell a product but, obviously, the site's recommendation is arguably biased.

By the way, my TSH level was 2.2 at last check, perfectly normal.  But I
doubt that tells the full story.

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