Hello. I'm a 49 year old man from NH.

I'm new to the list. I switched to the Paleo diet 4 days ago. I'm hoping to
improve my chronic intestinal bacteria imbalance with this diet. I'd be glad
to hear from others that may have improved candida with this diet. It seems
to me that this diet would be a far better treatment than anything else.

I was feeding it every day with whole grains, potatoes, etc. This is the
first time in over 10 years that I have ate a low carbohydrate diet and I'm
feeling it too. I always believed that I'd be fine with grains, raw
vegetables, legumes, dairy, etc. The fact is I could have done a lot better.
 I was looking at the SC diet [Specific Carbohydrate diet] and see that they
recommend dairy, some legumes, etc., but Paleo seems to be the best one.

I also think I may have been very deficient in Magnesium, and am taking Mg
amino acid chelate now.
