From: "Patricia M." <[log in to unmask]>
> Does chocolate have milk? Some does, some doesn't.....sorry not to be of
> more help but the ingredient panel should list it if it does.

Pure chocolate -- by that I mean what is derived directly from the cocoa bean -- doesn't have any dairy in it.
Cocoa butter is the fat that is derived from the cocoa bean, and is not 'butter' in the dairy (cow juice)

Most processed food products which contain chocolate -- and that includes eating chocolate -- DOES include
dairy products, usually in the form of milk, cream, whey, and/or butter (from a cow, distinct from cocoa
butter).  You need to read the list of ingredients very carefully to determine if it is dairy-free.  I have
found Ghiaradelli chocolate-chips to not contain dairy, in that no dairy products are listed in the
ingredients list on the bag; that isn't to say that the chips could perhaps be manufactured with equipment
that DOES get used to make products which contain dairy, and could possibly contain trace amounts of it.
Trace amounts don't effect me, so I've never had a reaction to that brand of chips.

Baking cocoa, like Hershey's or Droste's, is also pure chocolate, without any dairy in it.
