
Your source responded to Sanneh's denials as expected. KB nailed it right on the
head. We have seen Hilo and Stovall come and go down the pit hole and I'm sure
Sanneh will follow.

Just keep up the good work. People on the L are smarter and capable of smelling
the rat  as it tries to surface.


                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Ebrima Ceesay [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
                Sent:   Wednesday, January 10, 2001 11:36 AM
                To:     [log in to unmask]
                Subject:        Re: I stand by my story on City Limit FM


                The unedited e-mail came from a source in the heart of the

                KB: Thanks once again for your excellent piece.



                >To: [log in to unmask]
                >Subject: I stand by my story on City Limit FM
                >Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001
                >I have stood by all the stories I provided to you.  I am not
involved in
                >speculation, and I verify ALL my stories before passing them
on.  I
                >expected this type of reaction coming from those collaborating
with the
                >treacherous regime of Yahya Jammeh, and this Radio Station is
just one of
                >them.  You remember when I revealed the HILO case, "Sir Alan"
was not only
                >vehement in his denial of any association with the regime of
Jammeh in
                >their attempt to cheat the Gambian farmers but went the extra
mile of
                >threatening the lives of those involved in exposing him and his
                >As I write this response, the farmers of Fass, who have been
                >payment for their groundnuts on Thursday 4th of January, are
still waiting.
                >HILO has not produced one single penny since their initial
"investment" of
                >$3 million which went mostly to buying vehicles, minimal
repairs to the
                >Denton Brigde facility and salaries to staff, including "Sir
                >The members of the L are too sophisticated to be taken by these
                >denials. These are just distractions. The membership are used
to these
                >reactions coming from those who are proping the Jammeh regime.
We are
                >however determined to expose every single one of you.
                >At least Abdou Karim Sanneh was honest enough to say that the
"only support
                >from the Government" he is aware of was "the provision of a
                >license under the name of City Limited.".. We heard similar
claims in the
                >HILO case, only to discover the biggest rip-off the
Agricultural sector has
                >ever seen.
                >Abdou Karim Sanneh's reaction unwittingly confirmed the
                >association of City Limits with Yahya Jammeh because of the
fact that those
                >so-called rap groups that the station has already
contacted/targetted for
                >promotion, are themselves beneficiaries of the "benevolent one"
(to borrow
                >Dr. Madiba Saidy's characterisation of the Butcher of Kanilai.)
They are
                >being sponsored by Yahya Jammeh, playing Yahya Jammeh's
                >singing Yahya Jammeh's praise, and dancing to Yahya Jammeh's
                >The selection of Abdul Aziz Willan is also quite revealing. For
                >information of Abdou Karim Sanneh, Aziz was recommended by
Cherno Bogal and
                >his leading "talubeh" in the civil service who will remain
nameless for
                >now, to Yahya Jammeh. I need not go further as everyone knows
                >relationship between Cherno Bogal and Yahya Jammeh.  I rest my
case and I
                >stand by my story. The truth will always prevail.

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