Happy New Year.  Good to here from you. Thanks for the usual precision you
deliver your postings.  Yes, indeed it is very difficult to comprehend how
or why educated people do follow such a nincompoop like Yahya.

Hamjatta rightly called these so-called educated people - INTELLECTUAL
RENEGADES- in his brilliant piece "THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME".  Such a
renegade and intellectual prostitute is TAMSIR JALLOW(the national assembly
majority leader).

  As i read his silly remarks on the issue of The Chiefs Election in the
OBSERVER, the more i realize how much of a dim wit he is.  The guy is not
even mediocre, Tamsir has no clue what he is on about.  He speaks as if we
do not know the history of the Gambia.

  Tamsir, whose Membership of the National Assembly is by cronyism and not
by the will of the people is not qualify to speak of democracy.  Tamsir
benefitted during Jawara's regime, his studies in England was sponsored by
the Gambian Tax payers money. He owes whatever mediocre achievement he
possess to us.  His stay in London with his family in the U.K was made
possible by our own sweat.

But then i am not surprised by the likes of Tamsir.  People like him will
not shine in a level playing field.  His undemocratic howlings just
continues to expose his buffoonery. The Taiwan Tractor Saga is testimony
enough for us to see his calibre. However,
spending time dealing with renegades like Tamsir, Tombong, Saja Taal, Dr
Sedat Jobe will make them seem important.  History will deal with them

George, thanks for the sentiments. Keep up the Morehouse spirit.   Maybe you
can take the suggestion by Anty Jabou  to petition the Marks character at
Tennessee.  As a follow-up to the excellent job you did with Stovall you can
'MAKE IT SIMPLE' for us to expose Dr Marks.

Keep up the good good work.

Thanks again KB, George, Anty Jabou, MRDG for your vigilance and dedication.
  Ebrima Ceesay as i said before 'JARAMA'.

Good Bless  the Gambia,



>From: Dampha Kebba <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Yes, Victory is Ours!
>Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 10:24:00 -0500
>Ebrima, George and others, words alone cannot express how proud I feel
>reading about your bout with Stovall. You guys did a fantastic job and I
>thank you from the bottom of my heart for the effort. We must fight these
>people in every arena we get. Remain vigilant. I hope this sends a message
>to both our foes and our friends. To our foes, the message is that we are
>ready to go all out to destroy them before they destroy The Gambia and
>ordinary Gambians. To our friends, the message is that if we stick together
>and put our hearts to it, we can achieve a lot. I can guarantee that Yaya
>might have delivered his last New Year's message. Here I have to pause and
>thank Ebrima again for the tremendous job he did debunking the mumbo jumbo
>Yaya was delivering. Ebrima, I must say that (as I said to Saul Khan when
>watched Yaya on tape) you guys must have a very high threshold to endure
>pain. I just cannot tolerate the vermin. The only time I read about the
>moron is when people sieve through his nonsense and put things in
>perspective. Ebrima, you adequately summed up the year for us. This was the
>most painful year in Gambia's history. The senseless massacre of our
>children by Yaya's forces and for Yaya and his Gamtel installations, will
>forever be a dark mark in The Gambia. More Gambians died on April 10 and
>2000 than have died in wars involving The Gambia. The criminal that ordered
>the massacre does not deserve to give a New Year's message to the country.
>He does not deserve to live, period. To this day I cannot comprehend how
>educated and experienced people in The Gambia can follow a nincompoop like
>Yaya. People like Famara Jatta were out telling farmers that there will be
>no credit buying this trade season. Reports reaching us now are telling us
>that farmers are parting with their crops in exchange for worthless
>promissory notes. These farmers might think that they don't have a choice.
>But I submit to them that they have a very viable alternative and that is
>get rid of Yaya. We must keep the momentum going. The opposition back home
>has to reach a stage where they cannot fathom Yaya winning an election in
>The Gambia. The opposition should be prepared to make the country
>ungovernable if Yaya steals the elections. Yaya and his cohorts are doing
>all they could right now to steal the elections from the people. The
>opposition should be fighting their each and every move; starting with the
>appointments at the IEC and the proposed constitutional amendments. No
>is small enough. We have to attack every wrong move Yaya makes and ignore
>the good (token) moves he might make. He has enough praise singers he pays
>to exaggerate for him. Our focus should be to try and liberate our people
>from the misery Yaya imposed on them. This is the year that liberation will
>come. Once again, I thank Ebrima, George, Mboge and everyone that
>contributed in unmasking Stovall and his collaborators.
>>From: Ebrima Ceesay <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
>><[log in to unmask]>
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: Yes, Victory is Ours!
>>Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 18:31:24 -0000
>>You may want to read the e-mail below. Yes, victory is ours! Well, the
>>president of Rust College has written to one of my sources, confirming
>>he will cancel Tombong Saidy and Yankuba Touray's visit to Rust College.
>>Read his e-mail below. I would like to thank all those who sent petitions
>>George Sarr: Unfortunately, I cannot find appropriate words to describe
>>grateful we are to you, having done that excellent link for us. Keep it
>>Ebrima Ceesay
>>>From: David Beckley To: Subject: Re: Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 10:38:41
>>>Dear Mr:
>>This is to acknowledge your recent e-mail in regards to the
>>>invitation for Messrs. Tombong Saidy and Yankuba Touray (Gambian
>>>to visit the Rust College campus during the National African American
>>>Student Leadership Conference next week. After reviewing your concerns
>>>receiving information from the United States State Department, I have
>>>advised the sponsor of the National African American Student Leadership
>>>Conference to withdraw the invitation to the Gambian officials.
>>>>David L. Beckley President
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