That's the spirit Coach! I know Amadou, and I know he means well. We are
all in this struggle together like I just told Bro Saiks. I hope he accepts your apology in good faith. By the way, do those marabouts really
work? (o-:)lol! They got a brother there for a minute! Chuckles... Anyway,
you both are men of noble deeds and we need each other now more than ever.
Realizing and accepting one's mistake is a treasured gift many don't seem
to think. Good-night to all of you.
                                                   Right On!
                                                   MR MAKAVELI (O-:)
                                                   [Accept No Imitations]

From: Ebrima Ceesay <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Letters to Representative Johnny Ford
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Jan 27, 2001


I have written a letter to Representative Ford this afternoon and sent a
copy to the List.  I know that many other Gambians will have also made their
own contact with Johnny Ford.  By combining all our diverse voices, the same
substantive message should come across very forcibly to this man, and
hopefully he will understand how vital it is that the venue for the World
Conference of Mayors is changed.

To my fellow members of the Gambia-L who felt that I was being unduly
overreactive to Dr Amadou Janneh's message, I can only say that this man is
my good brother and colleague:  we are on the same wavelength and are
striving for the same goals. Amadou and I have known each other for some
time now, and we have built up a friendship based on mutual respect and
understanding.    I regret my e mail to him of the early hours: maybe
Jammeh's marabout was at work !! (laugh!).

Misunderstandings occur for many reasons, and in this case, I feel that the
matter should now be closed.

Amadou, I extend my hand to you and Long Live The Struggle !!

Ebrima Ceesay


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