The article below appeared on the Point Newspaper on 01/03/01.
I think I was reading statements from a mentally deranged man.
It is unbelievable!!!


Receiving Muslim Elders at State House, President Jammeh made the following
statement: Some of you have spoken about tolerance and freedom of expression
but let us not forget that we are in an African country with Muslims as well
as Christians. Islam and Christianity have no freedom of expression. You
cannot say all that you want in Islam and the same goes for Christianity.

A Muslim has no right to say something that is not in the Quran or something
that tarnishes the image of Islam. The same goes for Christianity. In both
the Quran and the Bible God Forbids adultery. So can someone preach that
adultery is a good thing? Freedom of expression must respect the laws of the
country as well as the teachings of religion. Let no one fool us about
democracy. We must understand that we are in Africa and in the Gambia and we
must know that we are a Muslim country.

One should not mix politics with religion. Freedom of expression exists in
politics but it must be utilised to advance the country if not as the
President my responsibility is to protect everybody including my enemies. I
will treat as a criminal anyone using religion or politics and bent on
creating trouble in this country. Political freedom cannot be synonymous to
trouble and who so ever creates trouble using democracy would be severely
dealt with. I have accepted a lot in the past, in this coming year I will
put in place Sharia.

Anyone who wants to spoil this country, Bilahi Walahi Talahi, I will deal
with him. America has just concluded their elections; they had lots of
problems. Did you hear that they killed each other? Why? Because the rule of
law is there. Did you hear that there were clashes between parties? No one
can be more Muslim than Mohammed! And no one can be more Christian than
Jesus! So, democracy has its limits. Democracy stops where one chooses ones
party. Your right to vote is also enjoyed by others for another party. But
if you say that your choice must be the choice of everyone and for that you
want to create strife, Bilahi, Walahi Talahi, this year I will not allow
such to happen.

Who so ever doubts me, let him try me and you will see what I'll do. I'll
not listen to the whites, or the international community for I only see
Gambia for which I have decided to lay my life. We want to develop Gambia, I
will not accept the politics of destruction or democracy of anarchy. My only
weapon is God. Those of you behind the whites (journalists, write what I
say) their democracy is their democracy, our democracy will be a Gambian
democracy, those who do not want that are free to leave the country. The
Gambia is a country of values and prayers; those who want to destroy it will
have to face me.

There can be no development without peace. I will not accept the politics of
trouble in this year. If you wish to form a political party do so and say
what you want but don't create trouble and don't insult anybody. I will not
as well accept the politics of tribalism and insults. You can say what you
want but you have no right to say things that harm others or destroy the
country. You have the right to vote for whosoever you want to vote for but
that right is for everybody.

Let's come now to religion. No religious group should be registered without
the approval of the Islamic Council or the Christian Council. I'll not stop
at that, I also want that the religious groups that are already here to be
reassessed and those that would be found wanting deported to where they came
from. We have values and we want them to be respected. We should not allow
anyone to disrespect them. In the past one could not distinguish who was a
Muslim or a Christian here; we shared Christmas and Koriteh. You are heads
in your areas, I authorise you to look into the matter in your areas and
recommend to us what to do about these groups be they Christians or Muslims.

I will not also permit people, who under the guise of religion disrupt the
lives of those who do not belong to Islam. I will not allow people to force
others to convert to Islam. No one can be forced to love God. As in
politics, one has to try to convince to win people. Last months attackers of
bars and other outlets were chanting Jihad and Allah Hu Akbar. Do you know
that 98% of them were dead drunk when the police apprehended them? What type
of Islam were theythen trying to propagate ? Now, I will like you to help us
with the youths.

The country is facing serious difficulties, there is no money, people are
hungry but we all know that God does not throw manna from the skies. Look at
the jobs, they are all in the hands of Senegalese, Mauritanians. The
hawkers, foreigners hold the shops. The tailors, the mechanics are
Senegalese. And you want to tell me that there are no jobs in the country.
So why are these foreigners coming here for? If I say I can give office jobs
to people, I'll be failing you. Please help us convince our youths those
jobs exist; they should invest themselves in these skilled and unskilled
endeavours to earn their living and help their families….



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