<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Interesting replies:  It seems the consensus that the barium solution
used in the radiology units is NOT GF.  Others received the same
runaround from unknowledgeable healthcare personnel that I received,
i.e., "Of course it doesn't contain gluten . . ." or "It's not enough
gluten to cause a problem . . . etc!"  Apparently one manufacturer can
formulate a gluten free barium solution. Most of those who had taken
the barium felt various discomforts.  I would say from the following
that one should challenge the radiology/doctor handling the exam to
get a solution that is specifically GF.  I neglected to get the brand
name and manufacturer of the barium solution I was given.  I will
attempt to do so and then will  track down the manufacturer for  their
statement as to its GF status.  Thanks for all the responses!


1.  Hi There - I had a CAT scan several months ago and had to drink a
barium solution.  I had been told that there were traces of gluten in
the solution (but not enough to do any real harm....ha, ha).  I didn't
want to drink it, but really needed the test.  My GI doctor told me to
just drink it and not worry about it!

After all of the lectures I've gotten to ask questions and be SO careful
and then he says "it's not enough gluten to cause a real problem".  That
wasn't very comforting and I haven't been back to him since that time!
I called the 800 number on the barium and they weren't real helpful
either because they can't tell you whether or not their suppliers add
gluten to their ingredients.  I know this doesn't help much, especially
after the fact, but I was a little disturbed about the whole barium
thing so I thought I'd vent!

2.  ALL barium has gluten in it. I didn't take it when I had a ct scan
nor the IV contrast solution. I knew from experience that even
GastroView makes celiacs sick. They can do it without it, if they make
you drink 24 oz of water. I would have made them call the company that
makes the barium before. It sets you off for a long time.

3.  There has been talk about this before on the board and it is my
understanding that it is NOT gf. People who do x ray have no knowledge
of gf anything and will tell you anything to have you do the tests! I
found out AFTER my tests that the barium was definitely NOT gf.  There
is a gf kind, but most xray people do not like it, because it does not
show up the images as well.  Something people have put on here, is the
fact that drinking a lot of water can take the place of the barium
sometimes.  The gf barium has to be special ordered and costs more, so
most radiology departments do not want to be bothered.  Even docs who
are SUPPOSED to know will tell you the barium is gf. It isn't! My
gastro. said it was gf and he was VERY wrong! I was plugged up for days
because he wasn't correct! I only found out through this lsitserv that
it is NOT gf. If I ever have to do these tests again I will insist on
the gf kind even if they don't like it! I just will not put anything in
my mouth any more that is not gf.  If that means not doing the tests
because of that, so be it! lol

4.  I had an upper G.I. several months ago and was deathly ill for about
a week afterwards.  I suffered from terrible stomach pains, etc.  I
DON'T believe that barium, which was also flavored, was GF even though
the Radiology Dept. said that it was.  NEVER AGAIN!

5.  After my upper GI series it took a couple of days to get all of the
barium solution out.  I don't think my upset stomach was gluten related,
just the unusual load of the barium junk.

6.  I called the company and the barium  is not gluten free according to
the man I spoke with. I had to have the cat scan without contrast.  The
gluten gets in with the flavoring

7.  I actually have some experience with this since I had to have an
upper GI.  When I called the companies that make this product they told
me that the couldn't state that their products were safe for celiacs.
When I did a search on the archives there were several messages from
people who said that they reacted to barium used in radiology
departments.  The solution is to contact Stokes pharmacy who can make a
gluten-free barium that we can use.  It actually wasn't bad.  Tastes like chalk.

8.  From this list I've learned that there is NO gluten free barium in
this country.  The G.I. department does not know or much care what
barium is.  If it doesn;t say barium on the label they think it's
okay.  So, refuse to take barium, period.  Likewise refuse contrast
dyes and iodine.

If you are a patient in a hospital you will pay extra for a gluten
free diet only to find out that the dietitician does not know (or much
care) what a gluten free diet is.  So you will pay extra to have your
gluten free meals brought from home.

9.  Sorry, I can't answer your question, but I'd be interested in the
answers.  I had an upper GI xray just before my diagnosis in Oct.  I
was in pain for 24 hours afterward.

10.  I had an upper GI series ordered and told my doc that as soon as he
came up with a GF cocktail, I would go for it.  The radiology dept. at
the hospital where he practices could not find a GF solution.

 I called the Stokes Pharmacy and they said that they could formulate
what was needed.  I then called the radiology dept. and they said that
they had to go through Purchasing.  I'm still waiting to hear what is
going on.

I will not take the test unless I know in advance that it is with a GF