<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

well, my mom finally accepted the possibility that all those symptoms she's
been complaining about could well be celiac. "ma, i got it, you probably do
too." so she got tested, and sure enough! i'm trying not to overwhelm her
with info all at once tho i do want to get her a list of ingredients to
watch out for in labels.

meantime, she loves to go out to lunch and take advantage of the senior
specials. she just moved to pennsylvania, so is still getting her sea legs
there. i live in oregon so can't help much in the where to eat department.
if any of you in that area can suggest places she can feel 'safe' i'd
greatly appreciate it, and i'm sure she will too. many thanks.

good holidays to you all. and thanks for all the holiday recipes. i've
been trying some of them out at potlucks. people are always surprised
that we 'hypocondriacs' can eat so well! (no biggy i tell them, just
need to pay some attention.)

