<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I was discouraged when I posted a couple weeks ago,  that I had been
on the GF diet for 10 weeks and was still having symptoms (diarrhea).
Above all,  the 80+ responses were a unified "hang in there",  "it seems
to take forever",  and did a great deal to cheer me up.  Thank you all.

I heard from 8 other discouraged CD patients still waiting,   from 2 - 10
months,  for improvement.

From those people that remembered their recovery time,    10 were
much improved in 5 or fewer months;   6 needed 6-11 months,
10 remembered 12 months - 2 years.

Many people wanted to make sure I had looked at lactose intolerance,
several had reactions to raw fruits and vegetables,  and many have
found as they are careful with their diet that they have negative
responses to those and/or soy, casein, peanuts, sugar, corn,
eggs, coffee,  yeast/mold/mushrooms,  and chocolate.

I had discovered already some reactions here - I have not eaten
any raw fruit for years,  and only eat raw vegetables in the form
of salad once a month or so.   I gave up dairy products the
week after my diagnosis.    I am hoping all these may improve as I recover.

I was glad I mentioned I had been eating some leftover Halloween
candy because half a dozen people said they can't eat any
miniature candies at all even if the full-size ones are okay,  due
I guess to more exposure to flour on the conveyor belts.   How
would the poor newly-diagnosed celiac know that?!!   Very helpful info.

Several people recommended I keep a food diary,  which I have
started:   a steno pad with my food intake on the left and symptoms
on the right.     It's a great idea and also it serves to remind me
that some days I have no complaints to write in at all.

Supplements people are finding helpful are - Citrucel, Metamucil,
digestive enzymes,  flax oil, Culturelle,  L Glutamine,  and Sea Cure.
Three people suggested I look into the specific carbohydrate diet.

I also heard that your sensitivity to gluten increases as it is
withdrawn from your diet.   That seems to be true in my case.
I can't believe I could eat whole pieces of bread four months
ago and survive after my reaction to tiny amounts of accidental
wheat now.

The microscopic colitis/CD folks are using Asacol or Lotronex,
some have tried Dr Fine's Pepto Bismol treatment.   There
was also encouragement here that all my problems may have
been celiac and I may not have microscopic colitis at all.

I will,   as you all encouraged,   "Hang in there!"   Thank you.