I do not know if this scheme is just naive or actually crooked.

It is an obvious example of the classic pyramid scheme.

It can not keep working because the scheme requires an ever increasing number
of new people joining every month to support the ever increasing number of
people who expect to get continuing money out of it.

Either the folks who started this are naive or they are dishonest.  These
schemes are old as chain letters and many have been jailed for operating them.

Thousands of people all over the world have been fooled by them and so it
should not be embarrassing to get trapped till you see what's wrong.

think about it, where is this ever expanding pile of money to pay all those
people you sign up going to come from.

Even if you could, your self, continue signing up people month after month,
the world has a limited population.  Of course you can't sign up the entire
planet, so it has to end somewhere.

sometimes a few of the first people to sign up for these pyramid schemes
actually make some money.  Usually they collapse of there own weight or the
leaders get caught.

I am not accusing anyone of being crooked.  I can't prove it.

However all the "evidence" provided comes from inside the organization. An
interview in a newspaper, no matter how well known, is not evidence of honesty.

Anybody can say anything and promise anything.  These kinds of schemes are
very hard to stop particularly when setup with such an appealing
problem to grab our heart strings.

don't be fooled.  It can not work no matter what they promise.

You will almost certainly lose money and you will eventually find the end of
the road and a major disappointment.

It's called a pyramid folks and it is one of the oldest games in town.

And don't anybody write back saying I just don't want to help children
I would be very surprised indeed if much more than a token payment from this
group goes to anybody in need except the founders.

Note they don't have endorsements from any major charitable
organizations, and anybody can say they're signed up with the
better business bureau.

Tom Fowle

Net-Tamer V 1.11X - Registered

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