Frank R. Brown said...
>To me it looks like a dead power supply (nothing at all
>happens when you try to turn it on).

>However, it has mobo-controlled power.  Two wires from
>the 'power' switch go to a little connector on the mobo
>labelled 'sftpwr' (soft-power?).

>How can I test if the power supply has actually gone bad?

>BTW, I tried unplugging the power switch cable from the
>sftpwr connector, and shorting the two pins together.
>This had no effect.

Hi Frank, sounds like you've pretty much confirmed that the PSU is dead. The only other thing I would do is disconnect the Mobo connection and check for power flow through the various plugs using a multimeter. I see these come into the workshop everyday and it's easier to get another PSU to attach to the mobo to try - which tells you straight away if it is a PSU problem or not. If you can borrow one with the same ratings to try then that will tell you for sure. All in all they're not to expensive to replace usually.

Regards Roger.

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