Hi....... My name is Kevin. I've got a privatly built computer and I have the following problems. Some while back, I downloaded one of those peices of shareware that McAfee puts out that was supposed to "clean up disc space". Anywhoos.....to make a long story short. With this program, my HIMEM.SYS was accedently deleted and I can no longer load my Win98. I've had no luck reformatting.....deleting my current Win98.....boot disc doesn't do me any good either<i aint profficient in the DOS commands>. What I'm thinking that I'm gonna have to do is take my machine to a "computer doctor" and have it fixed. Therein lies my question. Can anybody give me a ball park figure of how much this is gonna cost me to get fixed at a computer repair shop? And.....how long should this fix take? Any information that anyone could give me will be greatly appreciated. Oh Yeah......when I do take my 'puter to the shop, what exactly should I take with it<as in monitor...keyboard...mouse....ect.>

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