Morning sickness is NOT a good sign. It is an old wives' tale that the
nausea means that your pregnancy is "taking". Have no fear! :-)

You are right, diet does make a huge difference. A pregnant woman needs 80g
of protein DAILY. SAD is extremely protein deficient for pregnant women. So
your high-protein diet is perfect during pregnancy. Should you experience
morning sickness, your best remedy would be to eat a lot of protein at
breakfast (perhaps add a can of sardines to your breakfast menu).

Water, salt and fat are also very important for pregnant women. I'd bet that
you are getting more of these now than you did during your first pregnancy.
I am so glad for you, your pregnancy will probably much more comfortable
this time, and I'd say you can probably expect (from what I hear) that your
labor will go more smoothly as well. I look forward (eventually) to my third
pregnancy, which will be my first "paleo pregnancy".

Best to you,
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