>Is there any place individuals can voice
>complaints/opinions about how this
>is being conducted?  Who are the  "experts" and what are
>thier backgrounds?

I've forwarded to you a document from the USDA that tells you how to address
this study.  You can do it live and in person for three minutes, or you can
send comments-without-end in writing.  If I accidentally forwarded the wrong
file, let me know, but I'm 99.9% sure it's the right one.

>LOL, oh Dori, you are so cynical.

Bwa ha ha!  No, I'm just annoyingly realistic.  As are you, I'm sure.

By the way, Dr. Eric Westman, who conducted the study on the Atkins diet,
tells me one commentator, Abby Bloch, has been consulting with The Atkins
Center and says a low-carb diet is okay.  I don't know about this.
EVERTHING I found on her via google.com quotes her as supporting a diet low
in fat with more vegetable food than animal food.  Do the math!  Do I doubt
Dr. Westman?  I don't want to, but I find this hard to swallow.  What do YOU
make of it?  She's only identified as a NYC-based nutrition consultant.
Maybe she switched sides, I don't know.  I'm thinking of calling her and
getting the skinny.  Even if she thinks a meat-based diet is the end-all,
be-all of good nutrtition, it's 3:1 low-fat:low-carb during the commentary,
100% low-fat the rest of the time; all other speakers are USDA officials.

Let me know if you send comments or, better yet, speak at the meeting!

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