
I heard some intersting radio this morning.  In fact, it's still on as I tap
the keys.

Long/short, a terminally ill child asked the Make a Wish Foundation to take
him hunting.  MWF said no; why would someone near death want to kill an
innocent animal?  A local talk show host, Peter Boyles*, found this
interesting and tackled it this morning with the calls still coming in.

Boyles had an interesting guest; Ted Nugent, a hunter, a rock legend, a
member of the NRA and good friend of one Ray Audette.  He and many callers
have referred to our hunter-gatherer past.  While by and large callers have
supported the child's wish, there've been plenty of PC callers, too.  Wish
you could heard it, especially when hunters call in.

By the way, the host is a vegetarian; I found it hilarious to hear him
talking with Ted Nugent, who he met a few years back and even hung out with
for a day.  While he was respectful of Nugent's passion for hunting while he
was on the air, since Ted has left Boyles has been leaning toward the
touchy-feely animal lovers.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

*On a completely unrelated note, I used to be Boyles' "anchorette" (a Rush
Limbaugh term).  How he was referred to behind his back?  Dick Lesions.  Do
the math.
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