Here is another one to put under "why I am glad my kids eat paleo"...

A friend called me today, she has a 2 and 1/2 year old daugher (born same
week as Zoe), who recently had an ear infection. "Take her to the chiro and
stop the dairy" I suggested. She took her to the ped and got an antibiotic!
"Be sure you follow that with a dairy free probiotic" I suggested. She
forgot. Now her daughter has a vaginal yeast infection! "Did you stop the
dairy?" I asked. No! She's been giving her yogurt! (because it has
acidophillus...but it also has added sugar, and is an obvious allergen for
this child anyway) She did take her to my chiro last week, and called me
later to say "She hasn't been whining about her ear since her adjustment"

My kids just don't get sick. Zoe had runny noses and ear problems for a
while. Neither of them has ever taken an antibiotic. As negligent as this
may sound, I don't take them to the ped either. We run into too many
problems there.

I used to be a pharmacy technician, and filled TONS of Rxs for antibiotics
and Ritalin and such for kids...I wonder how many of those kids had tried a
dairy free diet before all those drugs?

I am frustrated because it is a terrible disappointment to realize that
virtually ALL of my kids'peers are probably going to be eating like this.
Our neighbor came by last week, she's four, and Zoe has FINALLY stopped
being terrified of other kids, now she wants to play with Kezia. Kezia came
in the door with a bag of Fruit Loops and immediately offered some to Zoe!
And when we are at some kind of gathering where there is food, and we have
to say no, thanks to the junk...people act like we're either rude or
contagious or something. How are other parents of paleo kids dealing with
social eating situations? I thought I could just make treats for the kids
but when I made macaroons for Zoe and Kezia, Kezia said they were "yucky"
and "not too sweet". Of course kids who are used to eating sugar all day
long aren't going to like our treats! (T

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