>This is confusing, because I thought
>that the hunger and craving one experiences when eating high carb foods is
>related to the insulin response.  Thoughts?

This is a snippet from Eades & Eades "Protein Power Lifeplan":
"...there exists a considerable amount of research establishing the fact
that cereal grains, especially wheat, maize and barley and, to a slight
extent, dairy products contain opioid substances called exorphins. Opioid
substances are those that have an opium-like effect, stimulate the opioid
receptors in the brain, and are to varying degrees addictive."

Maize, of course, is corn.  I couldn't agree more with the above.  I can
eat, say, a Hershey's kiss and while it feels maaaaahvelous, I can stop at
one.  Wheat?  It's almost impossible to stop!  I guess this is why.

Dori Zook
Denver, CO

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