There is an on-line nutritional analysis tool people may want to use.  The
US gov't-recommended amount of protein in RDI's is of course far too
low...and I find I am regularly eating 250% of RDI of Vitamin A and 400% of
RDI of Vitamin C, which bothers me not at all.  (The analysis is done is
grams, IU's and so on; you can ignore the RDI % column if you wish.)  And
there are places in this tool where you can ask for recommedations for foods
high in calicium or niacin or whatever you fear you are lacking.  The site

The first couple times I used it, it took nearly 15 minutes to enter a day's
food, but after a week's practice, I can do it in 5.  The only food it
didn't give me stats on so far was kohlrabi greens--but it had kohlrabi
stems and kale, so I was able to make a guess.