Philip wrote:

>On Sun, 17 Dec 2000 15:55:09 -0500, Amadeus Schmidt <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>Actually it seems that pasta isn't that bad.
>Very bad for your six-pack though :-)

Philip, i don't get this maybe due to my limited english?
With six-pack you mean beer, isn't it?
But what has it to do with pasta? I can't see the connection.

Pasta isn't a paleo food for shure, but if we consider the vitamins/protein
to calories ratio it isn't that bad. Probably because the germ (protein part
of the grain) has to be used to achieve the consistency.
As opposed to white flour products or other noodles in which eggs are used
to achieve consistency - which adds much less vitamins.

Six-packs .. beer is made from germinated barley. To to the big volumes
usually consumed it adds quite considerable amount of b6 to the diet.
But i suspect that beer/alcohol is usually consumed to get some predigested
carbohydrate food. The brewers yeast does the first part of the sugar
breakdown - involving thiamin.
Alcohol is a calorie source for people with thiamin defficiency.
