>I had eliminated
>gluten-containing grains once, but I have never been off of all grains and
>potatoes.  I am MUCH better.  It is not a miracle cure and I still struggle
>with some sleep disturbance and dysphoria.

Just curious; NEVER off of all grains and potatoes?  Ever thought of trying
it?  If I can do it, ANYONE can.  I have no idea what 'dysphoria' is, but I
will say one of the first things I noticed when I went low-carb (three years
ago) was deep sleep.  I went from insomnia to instant, deep slumber every
night within just 72 hours!  I've only had trouble falling asleep maybe
three times since then, all at times of stress (death in family, broken
heart, etc.).

Dori Zook
Denver, CO
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