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Coconut milk ice cream (non-sugar)

One can Thai kitchen coconut milk (lite is fine)
a smidgen of white stevia powder (I actually use a smidgen spoon -
guess it's about an eighth of a teaspoon)
1/4 cup pure vegetable glycerin
alcohol-free extract of your choice (vanilla works great - as does

bring to boil on stove stirring well, then let cool to room
temperature. Pour into a container and put in freezer. After freezing
the ice cream overnight, take it out and let it thaw for about half an
hour, until you can mix it with a hand blender. Once it's blended nice
a smooth, put it back and let it freeze for a couple more hours. I
don't have an ice cream maker, so I have no idea how this would work
with one of those! My son is extremely fussy - will not accept milk
substitutes - and he loves this stuff! I also add a half a teaspoon of
Kirkman's calcium w/D while it's cooking on the stove.
