<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all who replied!   I received quite a few warnings that
Benadryl is not gluten free.

Mostly I received suggestions for allergy medications:

Equate allergy sinus caplets from Walmart (call each time to verify gf)
Zyrtex (2) (is gf, generic may not be)
Claritin (NOT gf)
Allegra (1st thing that's worked for one person)
Sudafed (for sinus headache)
Imitrex (good for migranes)
Alka Seltzer gold
feverfew nasal spray (to help migranes)

Additional responses:

I swear cutting out my other food allergens (tomatoes, strawberries,
peanuts and fish) has made the bakeries tolerable. I had to avoid that
area of the grocery stores before, and now I have to only after eating
one of those other food items

Best to go on a vegetable fast for a few
days.Stay away from bakery stores or anything
else for awhile.Drink aloe juice and stay on gf
diet.Watch any high sxmells and perfumes and
avoid.Get on non perfume for clothes and
dishwasher or soap that is phospate free and no
smells.Also take probiotics in powder form.Eat
nothing but whole foods and stay away from sweets
for awhile that encourages headache.You might
experience die off but it wont last long.Drink
plenty of distilled water and stay away from
chlorine,highly deadly.
write bqck if you want any other info,this has
helped.Their are no quick fixes only slow and
steady cures...