<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to all who responded.  Below are the responses:

Someone suggested getting tested for food allergies. She had been gf for 1
1/2 years with no improvement and got tested and found she had 23 allergies.

People with similar rashes identified the following as suspect:
Brach's candies (b/c conveyor is dusted with flour)
Alcohol:  wine coolers, vodka, schnaaps
Kraft sharp cheddar

One person uses the rash like the canary in the coalmine... Tells if the
recently introduced product in the diet is okay or not.

Referral to Dr. John Zone in Utah, Dr. who specializes in D.H.
(800) 581-5075  or 877-893-4363.

Possible problems could be
1. D.H.
2. psoriasis
3. exzema (treat with 2% hydrocortisone)
4. acne rosacea (worsens with alcohol consumption and is worse in winter)

Suggested shampoos:
Johnson's baby shampoo
health store variety with tea-tree oil (Dessert brand)
giovanni shampoos,from the health food store: triple tea tree treat or
50/50, plus the body builder.

Topical Benadryl cream provides relief.
Comfrey provides relief.

...The only thing that he has that does flare up now and then is a small
rash about a half dollar size on his face just next to his nose.  Now he
went to a dermatologist about 1 1/2 yrs ago and he gave him a cream
called Cutivate .05%.  He was to apply it 2 times a day for 2 weeks as
needed to the rash.  It does not take it away but it does calm it down
almost to the point of not noticing it.

Someone with similar symptoms found through the process of elimination that
they react to milk and dairy products and so avoid lactose and other sugars.

Cut out sources of iodine (such as iodized table salt), shell fish, sea salt
as if my symptoms are due to D.H., these are known to exacerbate symptoms.
Also known to cause D.H. breakouts are Bomides and Iodides in household
cleaners.There are also something called Halidides in some drugs.  And as if
that weren't enough NSAIDS (anti-inflammatories such as aspirin, motrin,
advil, etc.) have been known to bring on an attack.

There  is this other excellent forum for you to ask your questions.

If you can tolerate it, try eating yogurt with live acidophyllus
cultures in it.  If you can't eat the yogurt, you can buy powdered
cultures in most health food stores.  If this is not DH, it could be
shingles which are caused by the chicken pox virus.  Stress, sun
exposure and not keeping yogurt cultures regularly in your diet cause my
mother to break out in symptoms similar to what you describe.  It is
unknown what "exactly" she has, but the yogurt works.

Also, if this seems to be a cyclic problem (i.e. waxes and wanes over
the course of a month), you might try red raspberry leaf tea (2-3 cups a
day).  I find it helps so-called "female acne."  Make sure you find
raspberry leaf tea and not raspberry flavored tea.  Again, check in
health food stores.

I think it is exzema my son has it. It is very itchy. The same tiny
bubbles.He usesa physcription from dermatologist consists of Betame
20% Aqua&Glaxobase40%. It helps but never goes away for some it does This
rash happened on my arms and I asked my doctor who did a biopsy because I
have cd I thought it was dh he said it was not likely which it
wasn't I had exzema.

I went through years of experimenting (I get a rash around my mouth and my
right eye (why only one eye? - beats me!)) with products, skin allergy
testing, getting rid of products to have the rash only magically reappear
and worse each time.  I finally did the food allergy elimination diet and
found that I had become sensitive to corn, potatoes, yeast and many others -
probably from the heightened exposure due to reliance on these new grains -
and now the rash is gone: I eat a very strict, bland diet - BORING!!!! - but
I feel so much better that it's worth it.  My reason for writing is that
sometimes we're looking in the wrong direction and don't think to look at
other foods too.

I can relate to the rash. Last year I had such outbreaks that I had to
soak my face in hot water for relief and smeared vitamin E oil on so I
could sleep at night.  Changed all of ;my shampoos, soaps, lotions etc.
I don't have a diagnosis of either CD or DH, but all of those symptoms
improved when I went wheat/gluten free. Another big improvement was when
I eliminated all products containing corn (corn starch,corn syrup etc).
I was surprised to find out how many common products have corn in some
form. Lastly, went through a liver detox process which also seemed to help.

My scalp rashes tend to flare up in the winter--I think the cold reallydries
your skin out. Also, I tend to get the rash where heat builds under myhair
around my ears and back of my neck because my hair is longer. Sometimes
hairsprays and gels and styling products seem to irritate it too even though
they don't contain any gluten ingredients. I've been pinning my hair up at
night to keep the rash cooler and I put Eucerin cream on it (not the
lotion,the heavy, Crisco-like cream) and it helps a lot. I also have to
limit my hair styling products more. Mine is aggravated by stress and some
citrus or high acid foods.

I have a similar problem off and on, despite a gluten free diet.  The only
thing that seems to wrong is to alternate shampoos between The Shampoo by
Paul Mitchell, and several others, including one from the health food store
with tea tree oil in it (Desert something).  The tea tree oil seems to help

Also want to let you know about cold-pressed flax oil, in the refrig. case
at health food stores.  I take 1 teaspoon a day, this seems to help, plus is
great for overall health and for helping with pregnancy and nursing (I have
three kids, including still nursing my 14 month old).  I have found that it
is vital to good health, when I don't take it, can tell a big difference.

It is most likely DH...what works some for me is Cortizone in AM (i
don't think that will be an issue during pregnancy) and try some
(Mazola) corn oil when you can...esp before bed. Avoid iodized
salt...use regular non-iodized salt...also avoid sea salt if you can!
Iodized will make your dermititis itchy if it is DH.

A cousin of mine suffered for years with a painful, itchy rash on her
bodyand scalp.  Doctor after doctor tried various treatments with no
success.One doctor finally said she should be tested for DH, but since it
runs in families my cousin should have heard of someone else with this
problem.  (I was diagnosed with celiac disease in May, 1999, the first in
the family). My cousin was negative for DH, but was found to be allergic to
formaldehyde,a preservative in just about everything.  She has had to change
soaps,makeup, shampoos, etc., and can only wear clothing that has 100
percent natural fibers, like cotton, silk, etc.

Long story short - you may be having an allergic reaction to something that
isn't related to celiac disease.

I have never suffered with this symptom, but it sounds like something my mom
suffers from.  It took her doctor years to name it.  It turned out that it
was psoriasis.  She suffered miserably for years, trying everything , till
we stumbled on this bit of info.  It seems that natural progesterone cream
works incredibly well to rid one of this rash.  It can be purchased at any
health food store.  Apply directly to the rash several times/ day until the
rash disappears.  It worked a miracle on her.  Her doctor had given up on
anything helping her until he saw the results of this cream.  Being an MD he
didn't want to admit that a natural  product could have that kind of effect
but neither could he deny the miraculous healing he witnessed!