"Flora Power"-Fecal Bacteria Cure Chronic C. difficile Diarrhea

Thomas J. Borody, M.D., F.R.A.C.P., F.A.C.G.a

Where and when was this article originally published?
On another note,
I had lab documented c.diff and took Vancomycin. It worked very well. Vanco.
is not absorbed when taken orally and only cleans out the gut.
Mary, I can tell you that the c.diff. infection did have an effect on my
emotional mood and produced a "brain fog" but in no way did it give me
"autism". I remember after 3 days of Vanco. I found myself saying to the
parents of my son's schoolmates in a sweet voice "good morning" something I
don't remember ever feeling before. But even with the "brain fog" I could
still think and function fairly normally.                      Paula