On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 13:16:35 -0500 Todd Moody <[log in to unmask]>

> By my calculations, I have not been able to get my body fat below
> 15-16%, which actually isn't bad.  At the moment, it's about
> 17-18%.

Have you considered the possibility that 15-20% BF may be the proper
level for a healthy, adult male, or more particularly, the proper level
for you?  Sure, some men naturally live with much lower levels, even with
non-paleo, high-carb diets, and that's come to be the image of "health"
in our society.  Most medical authorities (even low-fat/low-cal,
high-carb types) try to warn normal women NOT to try to emulate the
unhealthy stick figure look that passes for "fashionable,"
but I've heard little in the way of similar warnings toward males.

It seems to me that the difficulties you describe would be perfectly
reasonable if your body was fighting to maintain a healthy composition.

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