On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 19:36:47 GMT Stacie Tolen <[log in to unmask]>
> Just wondering,
> Are domestic cats inherently schizo,

Ardeith writes:
I have one cat who was badly abused until he
came here at about four months of age.....he
didn't trust anyone not to hurt him, and he
made a point of striking first........he has calmed
a lot over the past year, but I still warn children
and other stranger not to touch him..........
Another cat in my house reaches out to catch
a passing person and demand attention.....
sometimes he reaches with claws extended,
but he doesn't mean to hurt......I have discovered
that if I smack his bottom when he is into something
he shouldn't be into, he will turn and smack me
back......won't stand for smacking......and when
a child patted hard enough for him to consider
it a smack, he smacked back.......screams,
tears, but no scratches......he just smacked
with a "soft-paw"....not a "needle-paw"

Stacie wrote:
or is their Friskies to blame?

Ardeith writes:
Dry cat food made of cereal products and other junk
can contribute to the formation of bladder stones
which can kill a cat if you can't afford the surgery
to have the stones removed.....if they can be removed
in the first place.......I'd rather give my cats canned
meats.....that's as close as I can afford to giving them
what natured designed them to eat......they also get
raw chicken backs and necks.....
I have a cornsnake who eats mice.....one of the cats
dearly wants a mouse of his own and watches the
snake/mouse process very closely.......when I have
the money, I buy an extra mouse and take it into
the yard for the cat to catch......not really fair to
the mouse....they have never learned that cats
are dangerous.....but then they never learn
that snakes are dangerous either.......but the
whole thing makes my cat happy for a time....

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