Someone recently requested some everyday recipes, so I thought I'd share
our dairy, egg, corn, & wheat free version of dinner.  I slipped some
quinoa in the rice bc both kids tend to just eat the starch and no meat.
I did sauce their rice with some of the gravy though just to add some
meat component.  There were no leftovers!  I didn't even really miss the
sour cream as it's not a favorite of mine, but I want my spaetzel back
:-(  You can use egg noodles instead of the rice/quinoa.


Dairy Free Beef Stroganoff

1 1/2 # lean beef, cut into thin strips
1 med onion, sliced
1/2 # white mushrooms, sliced
2-4 Tbsp olive oil
1/2 c beef stock
salt & pepper to taste
pinch of thyme
1 Tbsp potato starch mixed w/ enough cold water to make a paste

Heat heavy Dutch oven over med-high heat.  Add 2 tbsp olive oil and saute
onion and mushrooms until onion is translucent.  Do not brown.  Remove
with slotted spoon and reserve.  Brown meat in batches using additional
oil as required.  Don't try to do too much meat at once as it will cool
off the pan to quickly.  When brown, remove w/ slotted spoon and reserve
w/ onion & mushroom mixture.  Continue until all meat is browned.  When
last batch of meat has been removed, deglaze the pan w/ beef stock and
bring to boil.  Add seasonings.  Stir together potato starch and water.
Add to boiling stock in small amounts until a moderatley thick gravy is
achieved.  If it gets too thick add a little more stock or water.
Return meat, onion, and mushroom mixture to pan and bring to serving
temperature.  Serve over rice & quinoa or noodles.

Rice & Quinoa

2/3 c long grain rice
1/3 c quinoa
2 c water
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp olive oil

Rinse quinoa under cold running water.  Add to a med sauce pan along w
rice and 2 c water.  Add salt and oil (or margerine).  Bring to boil over
med-high heat.  Stir and cover tightly.  Lower heat and simmer 15 minute
or until all liquid is absorbed.  Fluff with fork before serving.  This
is a little sticker than plain rice.
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