With no eggs, dairy, soy or gluten, I figured I wouldn't even tackle
pie for the holiday.  My second choice is apple, but I haven't tackled
pastry yet (I'm still trying to get something to come out of a loaf pan
resembling bread :-)  I resorted to an old favorite and hoped for the
best.  This is a favorite family recipe and I was not expecting great
success, but I absolutely could not tell the difference from the
original.  For me, that is a huge success.  I only made 1/2 a batch in a
shallow 9" pie plate, but it normally makes enough for a large deep dish


Apple Crisp (GF, CF, EF)

7-8 med baking apples, pref Granny Smith
1 T margerine
1 c brown sugar
1 c sweet rice flour (glutinous rice flour)
1/2 c margerine
1/2 t salt
1 t cinnamon

Peel, core, and thinly slice apples.  Place in lightly greased (with some
of the T margerine) baking dish.  Dot with additional margerine.  In a
med bowl, combine flour, brown sugar, and cinnamon.  Mix well.  Using a
pastry blender, a fork, or 2 knives, cut in the margerine to make coarse
crumbs.  Spread evenly over apples.  Bake at 375F for about 30 minutes
until apples are soft and crumbs are browned and starting to carmelize.

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